The Friends of Rhodes Memorial, or FORM are inviting anyone who would like to join their ‘flash mop’, aka a clean-up of the singed remains left by the devastating flames of the Cape Town fires.

  • When: Tuesday April 27 @ 9:00am
  • Where: Meet at the Mostert Mill

“From there, we will walk up using the pedestrian path,” said the chair of FORM, Gabriel Clark-Brown.

In a Facebook post, he went on to give some more information and some beautiful words regarding the clean-up. “The Memorial holds a dear place in countless peoples hearts…it would be a blessing to be able to call upon the spirit of the Cape Phoenix to come together and clear the debris of the disaster and to give the Monument a real cleaning and the new planting of the Cape’s finest fynbos.”

You can take a look at the Facebook post for more info here. 

Amongst the wonderful initiative of replanting the area with indigenous Cape fynbos, the agenda entails removing as much ash as possible. Additionally, the removal of burnt bushes and crisped litter will be underway.

Healing and regrowing what was burnt and lost? Sounds like a gorgeous and incredibly necessary Freedom Day plan for sure.

For more info you can email:

[email protected] 

or contact 0721820234

Picture: Friends of Rhodes Memorial
