StateoftheART presents LIMINAL TIMELINE, a joint exhibition by mother-son duo, Pascale and Claude Chandler: their first collaborative venture undertaken in Cape Town.

LIMINAL TIMELINE showcases the duo’s artistic versatility in both medium and technique in a rich display of paintings on paper and canvas.

We live in a world of unpredictability and change, in a liminal timeline which sits between the ‘what was’ and the ‘what next.’ It is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing. The remnants of an analogue world appear in Pascale’s work: her Daumier inspired donkey navigates the fragility of our humanity and the transitory nature of life. Claude reflects on the digital transformation he experienced whilst growing up, and explores how we now see the world, and ourselves, as digitised and etched in a web of code.

For more information visit

Picture: Supplied

