Ardmore, South Africa’s cutting-edge ceramics and design company, has joined forces with Zimbabwean luxury brand, Patrick Mavros for their first collaborative exhibition in South Africa.

Both companies are major players on the international stage and have previously exhibited together in London, Nairobi and Harare.

Ardmore and Patrick Mavros are family-owned and operated brands that share a deep love for Africa and a strong design ethos inspired by the African wilderness. Moreover, Fee Halsted of Ardmore and Catja Mavros, of Patrick Mavros, are sisters and unite the companies through shared family values.

As Halsted says, “In the African bush, family can mean the difference between life and death: the wisdom of an elder, the strength of a brother, a mother’s love. Family is everything.”

Their Pride of Africa exhibition will be open to the public from February 14 to 17 2019 at The Cellars-Hohenort hotel in Constantia, Cape Town.

The show will feature new collections from both design houses and entrance is free.

Ardmore Ceramic Art was established by Halsted on her farm in the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains in KwaZulu Natal. The brand has proudly championed local artists and sculptors since its inception in 1985. It has an enviable reputation among serious collectors. Its sister company Ardmore Design produces exquisite fabrics, soft furnishings and homeware and enjoys collaborations with the French fashion house Hermes and British wallpaper manufacturer Cole & Son. The Halsted children Jonathan, Catherine and Megan all design and work for Ardmore.

The luxury African brand Patrick Mavros had its genesis 35 years ago and was sparked by a pair of earrings carved by the Zimbabwean designer Patrick Mavros for his wife Catja. Today Patrick Mavros has a gallery and shop in Harare, an atelier in Mauritius and major outlets in Nairobi and London. Patrick Mavros is famous for fine jewellery, accessories and exceptional sculptures in silver and gold. Its work can be found in stately homes the world over. All four Mavros sons – Alexander, Forbes, Patrick Jnr and Benjamin – are passionately involved in the business.


Picture: Supplied


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