Founded in Germany in 2014 and held in over 12 cities all over the world, the Salon Festival has made its way to Cape Town and will offer a platform for cultural exchange, discussion and social engagement.

A literature salon along with a series of concerts will feature as part of the event held in March with local artists and authors showcasing their works in their private homes.

The salon means so much these days: it is a place where society is lived but also shaped. A place of participation, of opinion formation. It is not a big event, but small and effective.

The line-up includes Afro-Jazz singers Thandeka Dladla and Odwa Bongo performing at modern-day house concerts as well as authors Sindiwe Magona and Meg Vandermerwe discussing the role of the creative word as an agent for social change in South Africa.

A week filled with events as part of the festival will end with a fundraising concert for the NGO Matchbox-Africa with Thandeka Dladla and band on March 8 in Woodstock.

Das Salonfestival has been running for four years in Germany and up until today more than 650 salons have been held in 12 cities. All salons are open to the public. The festival is entirely financed through entrance fees, hosts’contributions and donations, it does not receive any public funding.

Tickets cost R150 per person for the week of festivities taking place from March 3, 6 and 8 2019.

Purchase tickets here

Various locations will be home to a space where creatives can engage and spend the evening brainstorming new ideas.


Picture: Salon Festival Cape Town, Facebook



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