Solomon Omogboye’s variety of expression, coupled with his delicate affinity to entertain the nuances of the human soul has created the necessary environment for the essence of Africa to thrive, impressed between colour and canvas.

An invitation has been extended to fans, followers and viewers alike to grasp the moment and question the cost of the relationship we’ve built with ourselves. What is it to acknowledge at least a small shard of truth from the shared spectrum of difference, and to ask how has our background defined the opinion of self? What does it look like to challenge the basic assumptions about who we are, that grows from the mind and its conversation with itself.

From Lagos Nigeria to Cape Town, South Africa, the show is here to celebrate the intellectual delicacies of growth and of nourishment, of hopelessness and release. A story of experience, truth, and of daring to live for a better life.

See his solo exhibitions at The Yard, kicking off this month until May 2 2019.


Picture: Facebook


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