If you have ever wondered about the magic of creating chocolate and what the chocolate companies’ secrets are, this is for you. Step inside the Honest Chocolate production kitchen and peek into the world of local chocolate makers.

Guests can enjoy a full tasting and introduction to how cacao beans are farmed and processed, as well as a demonstration of how chocolate is made. Coco fanatics are then taught to dip, decorate and wrap their own set of four bonbons to take home.

Honest Chocolate is a small artisanal Bean to Bar chocolate company based in Cape Town, South Africa. They believe in keeping things handcrafted, embracing old school methods, using quality organically produced ingredients, and making a pure chocolate that has a deliciously distinct feel and taste. Join in on their April workshop for some delectable fun.

Honest Chocolate produce their products with ‘The Chain of Positivity’ in mind at all times – right through the supply chain. Their goal is to have an ethical consideration for people and the environment by sourcing locally, organically, and fairly. They practice personal accountability in the thoughtful and selective making of their chocolate products, which leads to their fantastic taste.

The company is not afraid of the dark – these chocolate connoisseurs want to showcase the uniqueness and origin of every batch of cacao beans, and not compromise the flavouring by over-sugaring. They are inspired by the change in people’s faces as they taste their chocolate for the first time.

Join in on the fun on April 13 at Honest Chocolate in Woodstock. Tickets are available from Quicket for R200.

Picture: Facebook/Honest Chocolate


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