On a mission to better the lives of scores of women living with debilitating fibroids – uterine growths that cause excessive bleeding, pain and fertility issues –  Dr Gary Sudwarts and Dr Maja Wojno (The Fibroids Treatment Clinic) will be hosting a free seminar under the banner of The White Dress Project.
The event, which is free of charge but loaded with tons of life-changing information, inspiration and hope, will take place at the Netcare N1 City Hospital on Monday 19th November 2018 and guests are invited to wear their favourite white dress, and bring their partners along too.
For more info visit: www.fibroids.co.za
For images and interviews please contact:  [email protected] (021) 201 1522
To book, please email: [email protected] or call:  011 484 0135 or 021 434 0180
Picture: Supplied


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