Celebrate Women’s Day with a Classic High Tea accompanied by an inspirational talk at The Conservatory at The Cellars-Hohenort in Constantia, on Friday August 9 2019.

Ease into the afternoon’s proceedings at 2pm with a delightful Gin & Tonic made with the unusual premium gin, Hendriks, and served in a teacup to suit the scrumptious High Tea theme. 

As The Cellars-Hohenort is a five-star hotel, High Tea thus comes with all the frills. Expect delectable savouries such as salmon blinis, bite-size quiches and tiny hand-cut bread slices sandwiching your classic cucumber and Coronation chicken fillings. On the sweet side, think rich and moist Madagascan chocolate cake, carrot cake squares, zingy key lime pie, tiny eclairs, petite pavlova and mini chocolate brownie morsels. And more…

This tantalising feast is followed by stimulating food for thought in keeping with Women’s Day, a Public Holiday in this country because of the fact that on August 9 1956, more than 20,000 South African women of all races marched on the Union Buildings to protest the proposed amendments to the Urban Areas Act of 1950, commonly known as the “pass laws”.

Special guest speakers for the afternoon are inspirational Human Rights lawyer, India Baird, who will be joined by a young female leader from BRAVE, the girl-led NPO that Baird works with in order to impart leadership skills to young women and girls. BRAVE is a non-profit organisation that empowers girls from underserved communities to tell their own stories, acquire critical skills and build networks to assist with education, health care, economic empowerment and safety.

BRAVE was founded in 2011 by a group of ten year old girls from Manenberg, who wanted to make their gang-ridden community safer – and who called themselves Rock Girls after the anti-apartheid slogan, “When you strike a woman, you strike a rock”. 

BRAVE uses an innovative, unconventional approach, training girls from urban and rural areas to become advocates for themselves, then taking them on road trips across their own countries, and beyond, to advocate for others.

Tickets for this phenomenal event cost R295 per person and are available via Quicket. A portion of the proceeds will go towards funding Brave/Rock Girl. The ticket cost includes welcome drinks, Classic High Tea served buffet-style and the talks. In addition, each guest will receive a complimentary gift from luxury beauty brand Molton Brown to the value of R600!

To purchase your tickets for this event, visit: http://bit.ly/TCHWomensDay2019Quicket

Picture: Supplied


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