Futurist, trends specialist and author John Sanei will launch his third book, FOREsight, on Wednesday June 26 at Exclusive Books at the Century City Conference Centre.
Hosted by Suits and Sneakers, in one of Cape Town’s most popular destinations, John will be delivering a short keynote address, answering questions, and signing books. Starting at 6.30pm, copies of the new book, Foresight, will be available. 
Known for his unique brand of futurism mixed with philosophy, John’s first two books, What’s Your Moonshot? and Magnetiize, both reached bestseller status. While What’s Your Moonshot? helped readers future-proof themselves, and Magnetiize addressed how to stop the chase and take control of your future, FOREsight offers twenty shots of foresight to forge an abundant future beyond 2020. As the sub-header puts it: 
“See. Evolve. Forge the future.”
John was Africa’s first Singularity faculty member, and is also a Duke University faculty member. He has been dubbed by GQ magazine as “South Africa’s most influential and connected man”, while MAN magazine badged him a “national treasure”. More recently, he has been selected as one of the world’s top 110 futurists, and the only African to contribute to the “Future Shock at 50” project, curated by John Schroeter of the Abundant World Institute, by sharing his perspectives on what the future holds. 
In the past year, Sanei has delivered keynote talks to leading corporates in South Africa, Abu Dhabi, Bahrain, Dubai, Egypt, England, Hungary, Latvia, Mexico and New York. Having recently met with South African Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan, in what he described as an “inspiring” afternoon, Sanei is one of the select few South Africans consulting to various governments around the world to help them prepare for the future.
“Giving yourself the freedom to become the victor is central to my philosophy,” says Sanei. “My intention with FOREsight is to help people create a future filled with optimism rather than fear.” 
Picture: Pixabay


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