On Saturday April 13, the Mdzananda Animal Clinic will be hosting it’s third Downward-Facing-Adopt-A-Dog yoga event. Yoga and dog lovers alike are invited to join this one of a kind yoga class with homeless dogs. The class will be held under the trees in the beautiful outdoor setting of De Waal Park.

Here, you will get to enjoy a one hour, gentle flow yoga class while meeting a variety of homeless dogs up for adoption.

Be prepared to get a lick from a dog while stretching into your Downward Dog position. The class will be led by local yoga instructor Lee-Ann Elliott and will be guided by Tombstone Pete’s live acoustic music. The idea came about when Elliot saw one of Mdzananda’s Facebook posts about the vast number of dogs needing homes.

The Mdzananda Animal Clinic is a permanent, veterinary council registered, NPO animal clinic in Khayelitsha. The clinic serves an average of 700 animals per month through consultations, hospitalization, general and orthopaedic surgeries, continuous sterilizations, mobile clinics and an animal ambulance. Mdzananda has a strong focus on community empowerment and education to ensure responsible pet ownership into the future.

The event aims to raise funds for the animal hospital based in Khayelitsha while introducing people to pets needing homes. People are often too scared to come to Khayelitsha to visit pets, so this event allows organizers to bring the pets for adoption to them, all while they get to enjoy a yoga session.

The first Downward-Facing-Adopt-A-Dog took place in October 2018 with sixty five people attending. A total of R6 000 was raised. The second took place in April 2019 with one hundred people joining and R10400 was raised. There is hope to have even more people join for this event to help raise funds and, more importantly, have fun and to meet the dogs up for adoption. Around ten dogs will be joining, all needing forever homes.

The class will start at 10:30 am and guests are advised to be there at 10 am to register, get a good spot, and spend some time with the dogs. Bring a yoga mat or towel and invite anyone who is in the market for a new furry friend. The cost of the class is donation based and all funds raised will go to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic.

For more information contact [email protected], visit the website on www.mdzananda.co.za or visit the Facebook events page. For any further information, contact Marcelle du Plessis – [email protected], 0823577613 (personal cell) / 082 251 0554 (office).

Picture: Facebook


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