A local by the name of Julian is searching for a homeless man who recently saved the life of his brother in Sea Point, and is encouraging anyone who knows the whereabouts of this man to let him know immediately.

Julian’s brother Martin is a professional dog walker who was taking a stroll in Sea Point when he slipped on some rocks and became trapped. He found himself unable to escape when one of his legs became wedged between two rocks, and he was unable to free himself. High tide had begun pushing in while Martin was taking his walk, and the water began rising as he struggled to free his leg.

When he realised that he was in danger of drowning he began crying out for help. This is when Jerome, a homeless man, walked past and heard Martin’s cries. He looked down and saw Martin trapped and helpless and quickly went to his aid, helping him keep his head above the water.

He helped keep Martin calm while rescue services arrived to free him.

Martin’s trapped leg was broken as a result of the incident and he was rushed to hospital, where he underwent a four-hour-long surgery.

According to reports, passersby attempted to reward Jerome for saving Martin’s life, but he refused to take their money; according to him, he was just doing the right thing by helping Martin.

“When one of the passersby wanted to reward Jerome he was reluctant to take any kind of monetary reward basically saying that he did what anybody would do in that kind of a situation,” Julian told CapeTalk. “My call is that we would like to locate Jerome. Being a homeless person he is not easy to find. I really think that somebody like Jerome deserves a second chance. He saved someone’s life.”

If you know who Jerome may be, please contact CapeTalk with any information.

Picture: Twitter


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