During the holiday season the Western Cape police conducted several operations to monitor illegal activity, which is usually heightened during this time.

Over the Christmas weekend, police set up raids, roadblocks and vehicle checkpoints that yielded illegal cigarettes, illegal firearms and the closure of illegally run bars.

“The police initiatives are set to continue with similar operations undertaken throughout the holiday season in an effort to create safety in communities for residents and visitors alike,” said SAPS in a statement.

Police visited 600 licensed liquor outlets to ensure compliance over this period. They also closed 21 illegal shebeens with 2 162 litres of alcohol confiscated from the premises in areas such as Kraaifontein, Khayelitsha, De Doorns and Calitzdorp.

SAPS tagged and confiscated alcohol from illegal shebeens over the holiday weekend.
Fourteen illegal firearms and rounds of ammunition were found and several people arrested in Bishop Lavis, Phillippi East, Atlantis and Bellville.
Drugs were also confiscated in Thembalethu, George, with R570 000 worth of marijuana seized. Crystal meth (tik) was also seized in Atlantis around the same time.
Although smoking is no longer banned, illegal cigarettes continue to be a concern. Crime Prevention Unit members from Laingsburg seized 12 000 cartons of illegal cigarettes valued at R7 562 000 in a vehicle checkpoint in the Karoo town.
A total of 620 suspects were arrested for crimes across the province, for a range of crimes including murder and attempted murder.
Picture: SAPS
