The Western Cape has recorded an additional 38 deaths, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths in the province to 2052. As of 1pm on July 5, the Western Cape has 16 293 active cases of COVID-19, with a total of 68 273 confirmed cases and 49 928 recoveries.

“We send our condolences to their loved ones at this time,” said Premier Alan Winde.

Total confirmed COVID-19 cases: 68 273

Total recoveries: 49 928

Total deaths: 2 052

Total active cases (currently infected patients): 16 293

Total number of tests: 323 763

Hospital admissions: 1 840 of which 317 are in ICU or high care

“As the province moves closer to the peak and the Department of Health is recording over 1000 new cases daily, it is not possible to check and verify that the address data supplied for each new case is correct, within the time frames required to provide regular and timely updates. This means that in some instances, cases could be allocated to the wrong sub-districts. We are working with the sub-districts to clean and verify the data and where errors are picked up locally, cases will be re-allocated to the correct areas,” said Winde.

More data is available here:

Recoveries and hospitalizations: 

According to Winde, a total of 73% of people who have contracted COVID-19 in the province have recovered. “Most people who contract this illness will only experience mild symptoms and will be able to recover at home without any complications. So far, almost 50 000 people in the Western Cape have been able to beat COVID-19 and recover,” he explained.

“However, those who are over 55 years old, and those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension are more likely to become seriously ill, require hospitalisation or die, which is why we should all be doing our part to slow the spread of the virus and help to save lives.  Our data shows that almost half of all COVID-19 positive people in the province with diabetes have required hospitalisation, and of those hospitalised, 45% have died,” he said.

The province has worked hard to ensure that for those who do need to be hospitalised, adequate care is available. These steps include:

  1. Reorganising how the province will deliver healthcare service and decongesting healthcare facilities and hospitals in order to focus on COVID-19 patients.
  2. Creating additional intermediate care hospital beds at the already functional CTICC Hospital of Hope, the MSF Thusong facility in Khayelitsha and at the Brackengate and Sonstraal facilities which will be opening soon.
  3. These beds have already allowed us to create space in the Cape’s acute hospitals, by admitting patients from across the metro’s acute hospitals and will play an important role in offering care during the peak.
  4. Finalised service level agreements with the private sector for critical care, with the first patients already referred to private hospitals.
  5. The province has implemented high flow nasal oxygen treatment, which allows provincial government to deliver lifesaving care without the need for an ICU bed or a ventilator. A total of 121 machines are currently available to deliver this treatment, with 43 more on order.
  6. Provincial government has introduced the protocols for the use of steroids, which international research has shown to have positive impacts on the mortality rates of patients who require oxygen or ventilation.
  7. The Cape has introduced a special focus for COVID-19 positive patients with diabetes in order to further protect this vulnerable group.

What you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones:

The Western Cape is urging residents to play their part in the response to COVID-19, by following these safety measures:

  1. Stay home as much as possible and avoid gatherings of people. The province has not yet reached its peak, and residents still need to stay home as much as possible, especially if you fall into one of the high-risk groups or have an elderly or at-risk person living with you.
  2. Wash or sanitize your hands regularly, and clean and sanitize workspaces, and surfaces that you regularly come into contact with.
  3. Always wear your mask when you are outside of your home.
  4. Keep a distance of 1.5 metres between you and any other person, even if you are wearing a mask.
  5. If you feel ill, stay at home.
  6. If you experience symptoms, assume that you have COVID-19, and ensure that you quarantine yourself from other people living in your home.
  7. If you experience shortness of breath, seek immediate medical assistance.
  8. If you are not able to self-isolate or self-quarantine, call the Western Cape hotline on 021 928 4102 and you will be placed in one of our comfortable facilities to protect your loved ones.

“By protecting yourself, you are able to protect your loved ones. By staying safe, you are helping to save lives,” said Winde.

Picture: Unsplash
