A 66-year-old man drowned today, May 15, after being swept away by currents at Grotto Beach in Hermanus. The man was walking near the lagoon with his daughter and grandson before disaster struck.

Andre Barnard, NSRI Hermanus station commander, said in a statement that the lagoon had broken its banks last week in heavy rainfall.

“The man was assisted to shore by his daughter and by a bystander.

“On getting the man to the shore, bystander CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) efforts were initiated, and NSRI Hermanus duty crew, WC Government Health EMS, CMC ambulance services and the SA Police Services were activated,” said Barnard.

An NSRI Advanced Life Support (ALS) paramedic was able to reach them on the other side of the lagoon where sadly the man was declared dead. The 9-year-old child was not injured.

The body of the man has been taken into the care of WC Government Health Forensic Pathology Services.

Meanwhile, police have opened an inquest docket.

We send our sincerest condolences to all loved ones affected by this terrible event.

Picture: NSRI
