A shooting at a traditional ceremony in Gugulethu, Cape Town, left seven dead on Wednesday afternoon, June 23. According to police, five died on scene and two in hospital later on.

Netcare911 spokesperson Shawn Herbst said five of the seven men were shot in the head, reports News24.

What sparked the shooting at NY 79 is yet to be determined, said police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa. The unidentified shooters fled the scene in a vehicle after the shooting.

Potelwa added that the victims were understood to be attending a traditional thanksgiving ceremony.

A 72-hour activation plan, which mobilises officers and different policing divisions to track down the perpetrators, has been instituted by the Western Cape police.

“Organised crime detectives are probing the seven murders,” said Potelwa.

Anyone with information about the shooting can call the police anonymously on 086 001 0111.

The identities and ages of those killed will be released when their next-of-kin has been informed.

Meanwhile, acting Western Cape police commissioner Major-General Thembisile Patekile said teams were already pursuing leads.

Picture: Unsplash
