Last nights State of the Nation Address was one for the ages. Just when we thought we’ve seen all the chaos parliament can dish up, they took it up a notch. While we’re used to disruptions, protests, fights and removals, SONA 2017 delivered some of the most insane scenes that would not be out of place in a movie. Here are our pick of the most outrageous moments from SONA2017.

1 Clashes in the street 

Between the protests and the ANC assembly, there was bound to be altercations in the streets.

2 Mangosuthu Buthelezi expressed fear of a ‘rough’ parliament 

One minute into proceedings, the drama already began with members of parliament bringing up points of orders and expressing their views. This resulted in a one-hour delay of the speech. Sensing that things were going to get out of hand, elderly parliamentary member Mangosuthu Buthelezi expressed fear early on.

3 EFF and security clashed in a fist fight

This prediction was correct. The EFF are known to disrupt proceedings with strong accusations and demands. Last night was no different. This time they objected to President Zuma giving the address as he has been found guilty of breaching the constitution. They also had a problem with the heightened security, which caused a chaotic fight between EFF members and white-shirted security who then forcibly removed certain members.

4 Women were hit 

No one was exempt from the violence – not even women. Here’s footage of a female EFF member after the fight. She was apparently hit in the face.

5 A parliament member openly swore

We often hear heated language on the floor but hardly ever bad language. Yet, last night, one of the members accused a DA member of being racist and swore at him – an action that was not reprimanded in the chaos. Note: strong language is in the video below. Even the interpreter did not shy away from the language.

6 Pepper spray was used in the gallery 

In the moments leading up to the above, DA members noticed a commotion in the gallery where people were running outside. Initially thought to be tear gas, we later learnt it was pepper spray. The speaker later apologised for this, stating it should not have happened.

7 DA walkout 

This is not the first time there’s been a walkout, but it’s pretty dramatic every time. Here’s why the DA did it:

8 Zuma laughing 

While chaos and violence erupted around him, the president just looked on. And when he finally made his speech, Jacob Zuma laughed. Many people took this as a sign of disrespect and were disgusted by his behaviour:

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