The South African Police Service has introduced a new breathalyser that will deliver test results in one second.

Manufacturer ALCO-Safe said the “Alcoblow Rapid Test” was selected, due to its speed and ease of use. “The rapid test requires a fraction of the amount of air to accurately give an indication of the presence of alcohol in the bloodstream as quickly as possible,” the company said on its website.

“This means that the Rapid Test will sample first time every time. This removes the need to ask a subject to blow for a long time or more than once and increases speed and efficiency reducing queues and waiting time.”

The model also differentiates between professional vehicle driver alcohol limits and private vehicle driver alcohol limits. This is because professional vehicle driver alcohol limits are much lower than those of private drivers.

The Alcoblow Rapid Test indicates a pass or fail through coloured light indicators:

  • A green light – indicates a negative test and that there is acceptable sobriety;
  • An orange light –  indicates that the person has tested over the professional drinking limit;
  • A red light –  indicate that a person is over all legal alcohol limits.



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