The new normal is wearing a mask, following hygiene practices, ensuring you are 1.5 to 2m away from another person when you’re in public among other social distancing protocols.

Premiere Alan Winde answered a series of questions on the First Thursday Q&A on Bush Radio this evening [May 7].

Winde made it clear in regards to easing of restrictions that this is not up to him.

One person asked Winde when the lockdown levels will be reevaluated. He explained that he is unsure of when this will happen. Easing of restrictions depends solely on national government’s authority. Winde did bring to light that many people have reached out to the Western Cape government from the healthcare perspective, to have Level 5 reinstated. He said that this is based on the Western Cape’s number of confirmed cases and deaths. He then said that on the economic perspective, there is a massive push to have the restrictions eased so that SMME businesses can resume operations. Winde concluded that there needs to be a balance between the two but that this is up to national government.

The question on many people’s lips around the sale of alcohol in supermarkets was also asked. Winde explained that the sale of alcohol is two-fold. Many people are responsible drinkers and many are not. Winde believes that there are those who would throw caution to the wind under the influence of alcohol. This would be detrimental to slowing the spread of the virus and so the risk is too big.

“There is an issue with alcohol, if you’re going to loose your management skills in terms of social distancing then its a bad thing,” said Winde.

When is door-to-door testing starting in certain areas?

Some 300,000 tests have been conducted in different areas. Information about when tests may be visited in your area can be accessed on the Western Cape government’s website. Currently there is a major focus on the “hot spot” areas.

Why are beaches and pathways around off limits if they are still within 5kms of your home?

“This again comes down to the interpretation of the regulations. I understand the “within 5kms” you don’t want people driving all over. I don’t know what the motivation was. I have to surmise, I wasn’t in those discussions, I wasn’t in that environment when those regulations were being crafted.

“I presume when the drafters of the regulations were saying “if we open the beaches then surely people would congregate on the beaches”, then it’s not such a good idea.”

Winde stated that he feels as long as people live in the correct proximity, follow the rules of social distancing are being adhered to and that masks are being worn and distances are being kept then beach walks shouldn’t be an issue. Again, it must be reiterated, this is up to national government to decide.

For small business owners who have any questions pertaining to opening shop, contact [email protected] or [email protected] 

Image: Facebook / Premier Alan Winde
