Western Cape Premier Alan Winde has tested positive for COVID-19. He made the announcement on Wednesday, July 8.

In a video shared to Twitter and Facebook, Winde explains that he is currently self-isolating at home for the next 14 days following his positive diagnosis.

“On Sunday [July 5], I started to develop mild flu-like symptoms. As I am Diabetic (type 2) and over 55 years of age, I know I am at a higher risk of developing a more serious illness. I, therefore, went to be tested to determine the cause of the symptoms on Monday [July 6],” he tweeted.

“I have stayed at home as soon as I started feeling sick and can confirm that I am only experiencing mild symptoms. It feels like I have a cold,” he continued. “However, given my risk-category I will be carefully monitoring my health to make sure that any change is picked up quickly.”
All contacts from three days prior to his first symptoms will be contacted. Winde will continue taking all meetings to coordinate the province’s COVID-19 response. He will still host his weekly DigiCon on his Facebook page on July 9, and meet with President Ramaphosa online during the scheduled President’s Coordinating Council meeting later that afternoon.
“The Western Cape has been working around the clock to ready our healthcare system for the increase in cases expected over this time, and we will not let our foot off the pedal. The fight continues,” he says.
“My message to the people of the Western Cape at this time is to take COVID-19 seriously. Anyone can get it. So, please keep yourself safe, and your loved ones safe. Follow the 5 golden rules at all times, including wearing a cloth mask, cleaning surfaces regularly and washing or sanitising your hands often. And, please be kind, and compassionate at all times,” he concludes.
“To those residents who have also tested positive for COVID-19, I wish you strength and speedy recovery. This is a difficult time for all of you and your families, and I want you to know that the Western Cape Government is doing everything it can to make sure we beat this pandemic.”
Picture: Facebook / Premier Alan Winde

