Sea Point resident Peter Wagenaar’s car was burnt last week after controversy surrounding his decision to feed the homeless during lockdown. CCTV footage captured the two arsonists committing the crime.

Last week, Facebook users on the ‘Atlantic Seaboard Action Group ‘ Facebook page shared personal information regarding Wagenaar, who was feeding homeless people during the lockdown. Many were angered at Wagenaar’s actions as they believed the feeding scheme was not lawful.

However, GOOD Secretary-General Brett Heron contacted police leadership, who confirmed the feeding scheme was lawful. Herron has since laid a criminal case against the group for the posts.

Followers on the Facebook page shared Wagenaar’s residential address and details of his car. Wagenaar’s car was set alight soon after, believed to be petrol bombed.

Speaking to IOl, Wagenaar says a neighbour told him that a nursing staff member who was on duty had heard a motorbike arrive on the scene at about 3.35am.

“She popped her head out of the window, and she just saw a motorbike buzzing off, doing a u-turn and then shooting up the road with two people on, and that’s now been confirmed by CCTV footage,” he said. “That is being investigated by SAPS on the overhead cameras.”

While Wagenaar has not seen the CCTV footage personally, police have detailed that it shows two men arrive at the car on a motorbike and then throw something which burst into flames.

SAPS spokesperson Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana says the case is still under investigation.

There is a Backabuddy fundraiser set up to assist Wegenaar in buying a new car If you would like to contribute, here is the link.

Also read: Criminal case laid against local FB page Heron called toxic

Picture: Facebook / Peter Wagenaar
