A motion of no confidence is expected to be brought against President Jacob Zuma tomorrow in parliament, according to news reports. The ANC has called for a special caucus meeting to be held on Wednesday morning.

Nonceba Mhlauli, the ANC caucus spokesperson confirmed the special caucus will be held on Wednesday. The special sitting has been called because of the stand-off between the ANC and Zuma – the president is still refusing to resign.

On Sunday evening ANC president, Cyril Ramaphosa, said he would have a decision on the matter by Monday, but nothing happened. A 13-hour-long meeting in Irene, in Pretoria from Monday afternoon into the early hours of Tuesday morning ended in a stalemate.

This morning, ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule drove to  Zuma’s residence to give him an ultimatum to either resign from his position or face a recall by the party. This move proved unfruitful and Zuma did not heed the ultimatum.

According to sources, the president has demanded to stay on as president for three more months to attend upcoming events. However, the NEC were not happy with his conditions and rejected this offer.


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