Six members of the Western Cape government’s Anti-Gang Unit were attacked in the early hours of Wednesday morning and sustained injuries. The six members were on duty in Samora Machel when they were set on by the assailants.

It has emerged that the members were searching for a suspect when the attack happened.

“I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to our Anti-Gang, all other SAPS units as well as our Municipal Police who serve with total commitment and bravery under the most trying conditions,” provincial Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, said. “At the same time, I condemn in the strongest possible terms this attack by nameless individuals who are intent on trying to create conditions where their criminality and murderous activities become the norm. We shall not allow this to happen.”

The Minister reiterated that his department’s support of the Anti-Gang Unit and Provincial Police is unconditional.

“I wish a speedy recovery to the brave Anti-Gang Unit members and pledge my support in their efforts towards making our communities safer,” Fritz said.

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