A video circulating on social media showing a massive explosion ripping through Beirut in Lebanon has caused worldwide concern. In the video, you can see a huge fire at a warehouse, which is alleged to store fireworks. Moments later an enormous explosion pulsates through the city blowing out windows, causing massive damage and creating a mushroom cloud over the city.

You can hear people screaming during the recording. Social media reports suggest hundreds were killed and many others seriously injured in the explosions. There are scenes of people stuck under mounds of rubble, others bleeding on the streets. Witnesses describe the explosion as deafening.

Beirut Governor Marwan Abboud likened the scenes to Hiroshima. “It looks like what happened in Japan, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That’s what it reminds me of. I have never seen destruction on this scale in my life,” he said to a journalist in tears.

The exact cause of the explosions are still unknown at this stage. Reports suggest a fire broke out at an explosives depot at the port.

The Prime Minister of Lebanon Hasan Diab has declared Wednesday a day of mourning.

In another heartbreaking tweet, a video shows a father trying to comfort his child after the blast.
