Another much-loved Cape Town restaurant has had to close permanently due to the financial strain imposed by the lockdown.

Woodstock restaurant The Kitchen posted a heartfelt message on Facebook to announce the closing of the business.

“There has never been a shop like it in Cape Town and there might not be another like it again,” owner Karen Dudley wrote. “It is time for us to close The Kitchen. I feel an immense sadness. The Kitchen has been a sanctuary for many, a meeting place too, a place for fun and festivity and deliciousness. I want to honour our community.”

Several restaurants, delis, coffee shops and other food outlets have started selling food on a takeaway basis, but for many it is not enough to sustain their business or pay their employees. Sit-in restaurants are still not allowed to operate under Level 3.

The Kitchen also mentioned ways in which supporter can help the restaurant in this dire time.

“There are 3 ways you can help now,” Dudley wrote on Facebook. “Financial contributions to help settle our bills and reduce our overdraft would frankly be a great help. Support our friends supporting us, so that people you have served you can feel your support. Stand by to help in the future when we will surely need your help to make our food again! (in a different form? In a new space?)”

Picture: Facebook/TheKitchen
