A man is being sought in the Camps Bay area after several motorists reported incidents of rock throwing on Camps Bay Drive this morning.

A witness said she was driving along the road, just past the Hussar Grill on Camps Bay Drive at 9am, when a massive boulder was thrown on the road right in front of her vehicle.

“I saw the man bending down over a huge boulder, the next moment he lifted it up and tossed it in front of my car. In that split second I swerved into the oncoming lane, narrowly missing a car. The boulder broke up into pieces, he proceeded to pick up pieces off the road and throw them at my car. I saw him running down the road, he wasn’t in too much of a hurry. The man is dressed shabbily and has a scarf in his hand, he is also wearing a hat,” said the witness.

She says she was shaken by incident and is warning motorists in the area to be vigilant.

“It could have turned out very badly, I could have lost control of the car and driven down the slope. My children could have been in the car with me too,” she said.

Camps Bay SAPS said five people had reported the incident to them this morning, so this is clearly not the first incident.

No arrests have been made and police are searching for him right now. Be cautious when driving in this area until the suspect has been arrested.


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