Police and emergency services were called to the quiet Stellenbosch town of Jamestown, where the body of an elderly man was discovered with his legs missing.

According to reports, the body of the 60-year-old man was found in the Mountainview emergency settlement in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Many have speculated that an animal is responsible for the attack.

“Be advised that the body of a 62-year-old male was found yesterday (Tuesday) morning at Jamestown, Stellenbosch, by members of the public. An inquest docket was opened for investigation. A post-mortem will be conducted to determine the cause of death,” South African Police Service (SAPS) spokesperson FC van Wyk said in a statement.

Speaking to IOL, community leader Cyril Hector said that the deceased man, who was originally from the Eastern Cape, has no family with him in the Western Cape.

“I was called to the scene and there are too many questions,” Hector said. “He was lying face down with a head wound. Clothing was removed and his one leg had a shoe on and was lying a few steps from his body.”

He said the community is speculating as to what exactly transpired. Hector also said the police are doing all they can to track down the man’s family.

Picture: Pixabay


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