Three schools in the Wynberg area have received bomb threats, leaving parents seriously concerned for the welfare of their children. In one incident, on July 10, Springfield Convent received a bomb threat from an unknown source and a ransom demand, a similar threat and demand was made at Wynberg Boys and Girls High Schools too.

A letter sent to parents from Springfield Convent read: “A potential bomb threat was made to the school if a deposit of cash was not handed over at a mentioned address by 12 noon on Wednesday 18 July 2018.”

Wynberg Boys Junior and Wynberg Girls High School both recieved similar threats, but both schools have decided to keep their doors open on Wednesday.

School officials have been working alongside SAPS to ensure the situation is being seriously addressed, as there is grave concern around the safety of pupils, teachers and workers.

South African Police Station (SAPS) are investigating the case alongside the Hawks. Police swept through Springfield Convent premises on 13 July and no explosive devices were found.

The principal of Springfield Convent, Alison Dunn, said in the letter that the safety of the staff, pupils and parents is of paramount importance, and they plan on following Safety and Security procedure protocols. Strict security will be maintained on entry to the campus.

A team of sniffer dogs will be used to continuously check properties.

The bomb scare appears to be a hoax, but the institutes are taking all precautions and will only be reopening on 19 July 2018.

Principals’ asked for everyone to remain calm and note that the closing of the school is a precautionary measure.

At the time of going to press, SAPS had not responded to questions sent to them. We will continue to update the story as it develops.

Picture: Twitter


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