An urgent appeal has been made to businesses across South Africa to donate all their personal protective equipment (PPEs) to the nation’s healthcare sector. In a statement, the Business for South Africa Public Health Workgroup said they are asking all companies – especially those in lockdown – to make the donation.

PPEs are a critical measure in protecting medical staff across the country as it helps them keep healthy in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Business for SA Public Health Workgroup’s sole mandate lays in its support of the national response to the pandemic, including the efforts of national government, as well as those of the private and public health.

List of PPE required:

– Masks (N95 Grade)

– Surgical masks

– Latex-free gloves (do not need to be sterile); preferably nitrile

– Plastic aprons

– Visors and goggles for eye protection

– Gowns and suits

– Overshoes

“We appeal to all South African businesses, whether large or small, to unlock their stocks in the best national interest. Critical to turning the tide against the Covid-19 pandemic is ensuring that our frontline doctors and healthcare workers are protected from the virus, to ensure South Africa’s most effective response.  This effort will go a long way in keeping them productive in the clinical setting,” said Stavros Nicolaou, chairman of the body.

“The Business for South Africa Public Health Workgroup is working closely with Government’s PPE Division to consolidate all national health requirements in respect of PPE. Besides this urgent call to companies, the workgroup is driving efforts to boost local manufacturing and production where possible, and also expanding the sourcing from global suppliers.”

The Health Workgroup further stated that they urge all company owners, store keepers, supervisors, operators, and especially occupational health to contact them with the following information:

– What stock do you have? 

– How many units of each?

– Which manufacturer’s brand? 

– Where are they (i.e. where in SA)?

– Are they sterile or non-sterile?

Send the information to the following contact: [email protected]
Picture: Pixabay
