If you thought that Christmas pudding was the only holiday dessert to leave you a bit tipsy, think again. A video involving South Africa’s favourite Easter-time treat – the hot cross bun – and a breathalyser has left the country in stitches.

A cop, Officer Williams, blows into a breathalyser tube, and it registers a score of 0.00, indicating that there is no alcohol in Williams’ system.

Afterwards, he is presented with a delicious hot cross bun, which he consumes in a record two bites. When he blows into the breathalyser, he suddenly has a score of 0.24mg – a reading that indicates he is “too drunk” to be able to drive legally.

Speaking to The South African, the Justice Project South Africa (JPSA) said that these buns contain trace amounts of alcohol as a result of their yeast content. This then tends to linger in the mouth after consumption for at least 15 minutes after consumption.

Approximately 10 000 hot cross buns need to be consumed to feel even slightly intoxicated.

“The trace amounts in “bread” are not sufficient to intoxicate anyone. It lines your mouth though and fools breath screening devices. Without knowing the exact recipe, would estimate you’d need to consume around 10 000 hot cross buns to get a buzz,” the organisation said.







“The reading will only apply immediately after eating the food. And, while such a reading would probably be correct, the reality is that, if checked just 10 minutes later, the reading will likely revert to zero. We would like to put the public’s mind at ease by reminding everyone that a handheld breathalyzer is not the only means used to determine sobriety,” City of Cape Town Mayco Member for Safety and Security, JP Smith. “Officers are also trained to observe the behaviour of a motorist, including their speech and ability to walk or remain upright, etc. Also, to confirm that a motorist is under the influence, an evidentiary breath sample using a prescribed EBAE device is required; or, alternatively, a blood sample. These are the only means of evidence that can be presented in a court of law.”

Picture: Twitter


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