If you’re looking to immigrate, now is a great time to consider making Canada your new country of residence – the nation hopes to welcome one-million immigrants between 2018 and 2020 to help offset its aging population and give its labour force a boost.

The Canadian Parliament recently announced its plans to add more than one-million new permanent residents by 2020. That’s nearly one percent of the country’s population for each year.

Based on the Canadian government’s own reports, Canada received 310 000 new permanent residents in 2018 and plans to welcome 330 000 more in 2019 and 340 000 in 2020.

In order to qualify you are required to have at least one year of post-secondary education, one year of full-time paid work experience and fluency in English or French.

“Thanks in great part to the newcomers we have welcomed throughout our history, Canada has developed into the strong and vibrant country we all enjoy,” said Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship (IRCC).

Canada’s friendly stance towards new residents has been prompted by the adoptions of more restrictive immigration policies by other Western nations including the United States.
Canada is especially dedicated to offering protection to refugees. The United Nations Refugee Agency reported unprecedented levels of refugees in 2017, with the number of forcibly displaced people reaching 68.5-million.
Benefits of moving to Canada:
– There is a government-funded health system
– It is rated as one of the safest countries in the world to live in
– It has a national unemployment rate of under 6%
– It has one of the top educational systems in the world which is also government-funded
– Immigrants are given Immediate Permanent Residency on arrival
– You can apply for Citizenship within three years of living as a permanent resident there
– You can sponsor your parents for Permanent Residency
More info available here.


Picture: Pexels


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