An animal abuser was finally served the charges he deserved in the Mitchells Plain Magistrates court yesterday, January 28 when a sentence of a fine of R24 000 or 12 months imprisonment, suspended for 5 years was handed down to him due to animal cruelty he had committed.

Magistrate Kader also declared Mr Salie, who pled guilty to 3 counts of animal cruelty, to be unfit to own or be in charge of any animal again.

The Cape of Good Hope SPCA was instrumental in the investigation in the matter that began on May 17, 2019 when they received a complaint about 7 starved and chained dogs on a property in Lentegeur Mitchells Plain. When they responded to the call Inspectors Jeffery Mfini and Siviwe Noko found 5 adult dogs on the property and 2 puppies.

One of the dogs found severely underweight and chained.

“All the dogs were severely underweight – evidently starved and chained. In addition to this, Mr Salie denied the SPCA’s offer of free veterinary treatment for his animals because this would have included sterilisation, something he would not agree to because he wanted his animals to breed. All attempts to rehabilitate Mr Salie failed and when 3 consecutive warnings requiring the unchaining of the dogs, the provision of sufficient food and the provision of veterinary treatment went unheeded, Inspector Mfini had no alternative other than to make an application to remove the animals under a warrant,” said the SPCA on their Facebook page.

A warrant was obtained and executed on June 10, 2019 and 4 dogs (one adult dog had been previously surrendered to the SPCA) and 1 puppy (the other puppy had allegedly been sold) were brought to the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

A case of animal cruelty in respect of Contraventions of the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962 was then opened against Mr Salie and following several court appearances, Mr Salie pled guilty to the charges against him.

One of the dogs with a neglected skin condition.

Public Prosecutor Xaba handed down the harshest possible sentencing  with regards to the crimes to send a message to the public that animal cruelty is a serious offense which will not be tolerated.

“It is important that the people abusing animals must know that we will come for them. We will ensure that they are prosecuted and receive the harshest sentence possible,” said Senior Inspector Jaco Pieterse, Inspectorate Manager of the Cape of Good Hope SPCA.

The mistreated animals have since received treatment and care at the SPCA and will go on to find a better home than the one they came from.

The public is urged to report animal cruelty by contacting the SPCA on 021 700 4158/9 or [email protected]. The SPCA will never divulge the details of the complainant to anyone.

Pictures: Facebook
