The Mother City’s biggest walking event brings thousands of people together to enjoy 10 km of the Mother City’s finest views. The whole family can enjoy a morning of fun, fitness and festivity at the Sunfoil Cape Town Big Walk (CTBW) 2016.

Since the first Cape Town Big Walk in 2000, the spirit of giving back has been at the core of the event. In the past, they have successfully raised much-needed funds for Red Cross Children’s Hospital and Academia Library. The CTBW Foundation uses proceeds from your entries to support beneficiaries that match the CTBW’s pillars of education, fitness and health. You can also donate to the CTBW Foundation to make a difference in your community.



You can enter easily online through Webtickets, or manually by downloading a form. Alternatively, you can get an entry form, enter and pay at a number of participating stores or Spur Steak Ranches across the city. The closing date for all entries is Monday 22 February 2016, so hurry and secure your spot.

You’ll have to collect your race numbers and registration packs from the College of Cape Town, Crawford Campus (corner of Thornton and Kromboom Roads, 174 Kromboom Road) at the following times:
Thursday 25 February 5 – 9 pm
Friday 26 February 5 – 9 pm
Saturday 27 February 10 – 2 pm
Please bring your receipt or proof of payment. If you’ve booked through Webtickets, bring the printed copy of the booking confirmation that was emailed to you. If you are collecting on behalf of someone else, make sure you bring their receipt and proof of payment or printed booking confirmation. No number collections will be available on race day.


The Race

The race is a non-timed event and is run according to the standards of the Western Province Athletics (WPA).

Both races start in Vlei Road in Green Point and both races end at the Green Point Athletics Track. The 10km starts at 7:30 am and the 5km starts at 8 am.

For wheelchair-bound participants and those taking part with a baby pushchair, you may get ready and line up at the front of the start line and begin 10 minutes before the official race start time.

Markers will be placed at each kilometre so that you can keep track of your progress. You can look forward to refreshments at the 2, 4, 6, and 8 km marks.

The Rondebosch Medical Centre will provide emergency medical facilities and the Islamic Medical Association (IMA) medical personnel will also cater to the event.

Take note that restroom facilities are only available at the start and finish.


After The Race

When you cross the finish line, get ready for more fun, entertainment, food and prize giveaways.

Upon finishing, all participants who have a race number attached to their shirt will receive a medal, a Jive cool drink and a Polar Ice Cream.

The prize giving ceremony takes place between 10:30 and 11:30 am after the event. Stick around because you must be present at the ceremony to be eligible for your prize.

There are many exciting prizes up for grabs:
• 2 Airline tickets
• 2 Android tablets
• Educational bursary to the value of R12,000 sponsored by the College of Cape Town
• Walking shoes sponsored by Tekkie Town
• LCD TV sponsored by Taj Radio & TV
• Mountain bikes sponsored by Dragon Gas
(Prizes are subject to change.)


The CTBW is all-around a win-win event – you get to spend a morning outdoors with your family, stand the chance of winning fantastic prizes, do something good for your community, and get some exercise. Get your entries in by Monday 22 February to be part of the action.

When Sunday 28 February 2016 at 8 am
Where Vlei Road, opposite Cape Town Stadium, Green Point
Cost R30 at Webtickets
Contact +27 21 637 1607, [email protected]

Photography courtesy


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