Artists in the film and TV industry are allowed to return to work, albeit under strict regulations.

“This is an important industry because not only does it provide entertainment, it employs thousands of people and is a great contributor to the local economy with about R3.5-billion annually,” said JP Smith, Mayco Member for Safety and Security according to IOL.

“Ensuring the safe regulated return to work of this industry will act as a catalyst for the return to work of the broad range of service providers that support the film industry.”

The City of Cape Town’s Film Permit Office has developed Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) that will ensure the industry adheres to regulations as required by the National Disaster Management Act.

“Broadcasters must identify solutions to ensure the protection of performers and production crews,” the Government Gazette stipulates, and should “retain, to the extent possible, a work from home approach”.

“Each broadcaster must work closely with the respective production companies and the relevant industry bodies to determine the most appropriate return-to-production strategy and feasible implementation dates.”

This might bring welcome financial relief to some, but freelancers in the industry are having an especially hard time and are not guaranteed to find work even with the reopening of the industry. The National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF) told Channel24 it’s impossible at this stage to give a number on job losses or how many people within the fragile industry will be impacted.

Picture: Unsplash
