During a crime statistic update on Friday, July 31 Minister of Police General Bheki Cele outlined notable changes in crime for 2019 and 2020. According to Cele, crime statistics will now be released on a quarterly basis to provide more frequent updates.

He noted that in the last year, police have managed to achieve a slowing down of the increase in violent crimes. Cele noted that murder cases had experienced a decrease on the increase by half in the past three years – from 1320 reported in 2017/18 to 303 reported in 2019/20.

Stock theft has experienced a decrease in the last year, decreasing by 4.2%

“I always argue that the same resources that are deployed to fight aggravated robberies must equally be channeled to address stock theft as this is regarded as a serious crime to rural economy,” said Cele.

Property related crimes also decreased in the last year. Burglary at resident premises decline by 6.7%, while robbery a residential properties decreased by 5.8%.

With regards to sexual offences which are known to be a huge problem in South Africa, Bheki raised concerns that 380 cases of sexual offenses were reported at educational institutes. He stated that these establishments had seemingly become hotspots for sexual crimes.

“Awareness campaigns on Gender Based Violence and Femicide must be intensified; private sector and gender activists’ organizations must work together with government to defeat the scourge and expose perpetrators in this regard. It is of concern that Educational institutions are becoming hotbeds for sexual violence, 380 cases of rape were reported at either schools, universities, colleges or day care facilities,” said Cele.

Western Cape’s crime statistics show that specialised policing targeting concerning areas has been effective. For the first time in many years Nyanga police station has reported a 36% decrease in murder.

“The recent crime statistics also show us that specialised policing in targeted areas does produce results. The additional resources of Operation Lockdown and Operation Thunder and the Anti- Gang Unit, in the Western Cape has decreased the murder rate and overall serious crimes in the province,” adds Cele.

Bheki believes these statistics show that the crime tide is finally being turned in Cape Town.

During the pandemic Bheki stated that 113 SAPS officers have been lost to COVID-19, he extended his condolences to families affected and commended those lost while carrying out their duty.

See a breakdown of the crime statistics below:

Pictures: Supplied/Facebook
