Taxi strikes have taken a turn for the worse in Cape Town on Monday morning, forcing public transport commuters to change their travel plans.

Golden Arrow bus service said they had received reports buses of being stoned in Cape Town, and there were early morning reports of roads being blocked with burning tires in parts of the city. Taxi routes that are usually busy were deserted, and reports of buses being torched emerging.

On the N2 incoming onto Borchards Quarry road, Golden Arrow buses were stoned.

MyCiTi bus operations were also reported to be delayed in Cape Town. Flyers distributed in the city warned: “Due to a provincial taxi strike there will be NO TAXIS on Monday 18 September 2017. Please make alternative arrangements as we apologise for any inconvenience.”

The cause behind the strike is taxi operators being unhappy about the leadership of the Congress of Democratic Taxi Association (Codeta) and have called for intervention by Western Cape MEC for Transport and Public Works Donald Grant. They’re also unhappy about the impounding of taxis.

Meanwhile, the South Africa National Taxi Council (Santaco) says it will not be supporting a planned taxi strike in Tshwane.

“Following a reported taxi driver strike planned, Santaco consulted with its structure in Tshwane which decided the strike cannot be supported as it would not benefit the taxi industry and importantly taxi commuters,” the association said in a statement.


Photography Tygerberg FM, photographer unknown



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