Whoever said that water slides are just for kids? A 300 metre-long water slide is due to be a hit in Cape Town this summer from the good people over at Slide The City.
This is great, 300 metres of slip-sliding is pretty much everybody’s idea of fun. Well, 304 metres to be precise, excluding the 26 metre-sized pool at the end of it. The slide will contain three lanes (the occasional Capetonian disregard for lane rules hopefully won’t apply here) and generally take around 45 seconds to complete.

According to Slide The City South Africa’s Facebook page, the process of navigating through the admin and logistics to make this happen is currently taking place, and more info is due to be released on 1 September. If you’re thinking that this is just a giant waste of water, initially – yes. But, take note that water conservation does play a part at Slide The City and you can read up about that here.
Here’s what you can expect.
Yentel Jacobs
I probably shouldn’t, but I’m totally going on this when it’s up.
Jess Du Preez Chelsey WilsonAlexandra Thomas
Stacey-Leigh Courtis
Cari Klipp
Sharné Rheeder
Jessica Anne Williams
Michelle Anderson
Ashira Singh
Kirsty Lee Campodonico
Brett Keagan
Riaan Redelinghuys
Ameera Hercules
Try not to get someone else’s pee in your mouth when you do though…
Leah 🙂
Ronalda Barrett Inge Agenbag Alisa Olivier
Ek gee nie om hoe Vet ek is nie!!! Ek gaan dit doen!
Anisha Maharaj Shaneez Mitha Nina Vermaak
Ricky Young
Wade Bromfield
Cool but kinda gross. Like the whole city in one public pool. Naar
Ah man….im coming for this…
Hopefully we’ll have water in Summer for this!
Zaza Bronkhorst 😀
Dom Walsh
Alet Wilhelmina Rootman Carien Nagel Heinri Van Zyl Adam Steer Amorie Wagenaar
Ole Petter Johnsen
Muhammad Tayob
That’s going to go down well with the anticipated water restrictions this summer.
Jessica-Bo Heard
how many litres of fresh water will be used? other option, use sea water
Yara Vonk moeten naar Kaapstad!!
I know someone who did this in Australia, and they are still very much alive… and I am sure the Ozzies peed in the water too… That is if you can manage to pee in 45 seconds, Lets thank these people for giving you something to do with your kids over the holiday. There always has to be someone to see the bad side of such a wonderful event. And did you think for one moment, that the city will approve this without the necessary water plan in place. Jeez people stop complaining and start enjoying life?!
Vlad Klaic told you this would come to cape
Eva Willard omg haha
Bianca Swanepoel
Woohooooo.. Jessica Bamford….. me and you chicka !!!
Great stuff but use salt water instead of fresh waterU0001f44dU0001f44d
Kerry Bellairs Ciske Smit Klara Beckerling Elizabeth Visser
Catherine Hudson
Monique Lippert!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG, this will be so cool!!!
Watershedding lol
Jordan Zoghby Stephanie Zoghby Brett Ford Augusto Dos Santos U0001f61c
Where in cpt
Bad idea if we need water restrictions this summer, which seems more and more likely
They should turn the stadium into a water park too!!
Hahahahaha… I feel 60/40 about this lol
Margot Ruiters we must! Lol
Hope the rate payers aren`t going to becarged extra on their sewrage
Nicole Koorts Natasha Hanekom Hunter trek solank jul swembroeke aan
Nazeer Adams we have to go on this 🙂
Harold JM Durnez
Dumb initiative seeing that they want to spare water.Cant see the sense in this.
This looks effing awesome. Enzo Torrente Finn Janson
It would be cool…but some of us are hygienic freaks! U0001f64d
Cool Idea but waste of water! We already having issues with electric and water… Please dont force the process of water shedding
Who is paying for all that wasted water ?
Just because we don’t want to use the slide doesn’t mean we arent enjoying life…Cape Town has the most entertaining activities and events in the whole country, there’s loads of other things to do…
Hahaha!!!!! So there!!!!
Aron Demirovski
Shane is this you? 🙂
Cait Heuer U0001f64cU0001f3fb
Bubble bath slide
Cape seriously has no energy burners for local kids not foreigners at foreign prices for the local kids
Soooo great! Germs n all.U0001f600U0001f600U0001f600U0001f600
Yes yes yes U0001f601
Kelli Jane Leibbrandt Tatiana Santiago Inocentes Ryan Aspeling U0001f334U0001f4a6
Where and when
Troy Ashton Futter
Mmm…I’ll bath at home thanks 😉
Jonathan Baum
Wer an wen can I start buyin rubberbands ..queues is gona be massive…..lol
So cool.
Ryan Simpson 🙂
It should be called “the std slide”
Hope it’s all the way down Table Mountain…
Pia Plank
http://www.hiphiphooraycapetown.com/#!Low Tide ‘Flater water slide/zoom/c2414/image_19rw
Tariq Mia
Can’t wait x
IDK! YES PLEASE Fakhry Gierdien
Cannot wait !
Forget tha kids daddys so in this…lol
What about the shortage of water? This will be really wasteful.
It’s not April the first – is it??hahahaha!
Kieran Allen Mark Staples Scott Garson Lee-in Chen
Oliver Odendaal
No no! A plastic nightmare! Completely unneccesary. We have the sea, beach, mountain, ravines, forests, it’s the best fun there is: genuine nature. Who is going to make money from this monstrous plastic horror? If you wish to play with your kids, so many better, healthier, non-toxic ways. Children are more sensitive and plastic transmits toxins that harm living beings. Wake up Cape Town!
Melissa Hugo
WHAT!!!!!!! Catherine Steere Chad Michael Henson
Morne Swanepoel..fuuuun
Oh yeah….diet on. Moet die ene try come summer time!
Ek stem, lyk fun
Is it April 1st AGAIN ???
Nishan Ramkisson
Thasvir Singh
Mikayla Collins Tiina Karlsson Claudia Fraser I hope you will join me if this happens?!
Hahahahahaha #watershedding here comes to CPT
Looks like fun!
Why not read the article properly?
This is going to be AWESOME!!!
As if u even have to ask!
Matt Banner 🙂
Kayla Eden Papier
and those locals are the very same locals that voted the DA in power. what about transport cost for the very same kids?
My idea U0001f602U0001f602 that should be awesome
Dave Luis sounds like something we should get involved in?
Matthew Godrich
done deal.
Anna-Claire Whysall !
It’s a date! U0001f483U0001f3fc
David Perrie Thomas Christopher Barnett Brandon Hall Reece McDonald Josh Grant Grant Morris
Stuart Richard Cullum this looks like way too much funU0001f601
Nir Etzbeony Rachel Salamon Etzbeony Let the summer adventures begin!
Lets do it Santana Land
Can you just imagine the types who will frequent this!!
What a waste of money!
Justin Adams
Onthou ekt julle gister vertel daarvan. Janelka Lubbinge Immanuel Bester . Albertus Koorts sal seker nie onthou nie 🙂 🙂 🙂
Adam Powell …your boys will like this U0001f61c
They would absolutely love this!!! I would too! LOL!!
Super cool
Oh yeah!
Ek is so down vir dit.
Ryan Haworth 🙂
I wish my daughter was gonna be around for this, she love’s water.
Achmat Jappie Ashraf Parker
Cape Town authorities must be on drugs…. cant they facilitate a solar energy drive or an initiative for the homeless….seriously, how over the top ridiculous!
oh my gosh Michael Koen
We will be there Cara Prins
Jehnara Michael
Jess Boardman
Maybe it can start in Camps Bay and end in the townships with no return tickets !!!!
Omw.. We have so much sea water around us in Cptn.. So no water wastage needed. just loads of fun lovers !! Yay!!
Anna Elings Joepieeee
Chris Cloete
Great news!
Yasmien Botha could be epic fun
I’m in!
Okay that is true. . .
H-g Filippa Victoria Harrington-Griffin amazing
Annabel Waterson
1 sep omg Laura Nooteboom
Probably a late April fool joke…
Ahhhh awesome!!
Seeing is believing!
Raj Soni
Floyd Ramnarian
Anna Elings… Meer info op 1 sept. Ze gaan toch niet met dit winterse kutweer een waterbaan aanmaken. T komt van de zomer.
Zuid Afrikaanse zomer.
Laura Nooteboom
you thinking about saving costs on your normal taxi route Pamela?
water lovers?
Ricardo Gonsalves
Carl there not loads if things to for kids to burn up energy .
The more we want save the more its get messed up so start living
Shahieda Sasman
I cannot wait!
Lee-Ann Connolly
People are so angry with the government that they can’t for a one second simply remember that life is about having fun too… Geez all these haters and negative people… This is something that will bring people and families together but some people still have their minds stuck in the struggle.
Vlasta Pitro
We’re going
Lol no. Water
Yeah 😉
Robert Fick
Where will this be????
Haha this is cape Town they need to bring more than one
Hygiene ….hmmmm
Summer bucket list, Daniel Campbell ?
I cant wait?
Oh good will be perfect timing for the drought.
I’ll be there!
Syphliss and Ghonnorea germs
Great news
Wow awesome m girl will luv it
I thought that we were short of water !!!
Another ill-conceived plan! The City of Cape Town officials have bleated on repeatedly about imminent water restrictions! If they approve this, with the vast amount of water that will be lost from the system via evaporation, leaks and splashes, and simply carried off by the participants, then the Residents will have no faith whatsoever in the cautionary messages from the City. Sure, it’s fun and a cool idea, but I will not suffer under draconian water restrictions while the City pisses that limited water down the street.
Blanche Van Dyk
Thandile Tee Tyali
Ek ook!
N I thought thers a shortage of water in cpt
Me too..what do you suggest..
Justin Gomes
Luca Duesimi
Reino Lourens Wynand Maclachlan Stiaan Marais Danny van Eyk Hugo Swart
Just saw this 🙂
Thando Brains Sampu nakanjan
Fantastic hope this is not to pricey so that everyone can enjoy the ride!
Do you want to be this guy???Awesome…slide the Mother city of Cape Town this Spring!!!
I live in cap town, but i don’t friends in cap town, so i need some friends please!
Cindy Africa you’ll love this, I know!!!
Cassie Moodley
That will be fun
Michael Mckelvey
Start in Paarl all the way down the middle of the N1 into the City!
Gerritz Rheeder kyk hier – ons is eerste daar!!!!!!!!
Aneeqah Udemans
Alfred Nieuwenhuizen!!!
Where will they put it in Cape Town’s City bowl, there’s not even enough space for the congested traffic! Never mind so called predicted water shortages for the future!
Tom Vidal
who is this for? tourists or South Africans..
Oooooooh lekkerrrrrr!!!!!
Lisa Kerry Cullumbine
what is the exact date that this is going to be set up or open??
Treena Mawaya
Brilliant U0001f603
Yip in kzn major water shortages !
Anne-Céline Parbhoo ??
Viola Chloe Hunter Silver Alexandria Sarah
Also would like to know where they plan to install it?
Mlee Mlie Mli Quoza Njabu Mathax Mathabela Boiketlo Mbasa Lepheana
hy sal baie van die slide moet kry die kaap is groot baie vakansie gangers jy gaan in die ry staan en net 1 kans kry om af te gaan
Woooow U0001f601U0001f601U0001f601 Anemone Parbhoo
Dionne Martin Ailey Martin Finnley Martin Stuart Martin Lynn ʚϊɞ Robertson Paul Robertson Scott Snr Spike Robertson Scott G Robertson
Gonna bring the inner child out of me , can’t wait, , bring it on! !!
Whr in cape town will it b
Oslo had Slide the City during the summer
Apparently they are going to put it in Company Gardens. All those who had high tea in the Nellie can then slide it down
Im there!
Kim Philander Karen Kay Amanda Khanyisa Jubase Nicole Philander Mitch Jean Hendricks Chadley Muller
Bruuuuuh! Where?! :v
please advise on place whr it will be set up and dates ?
More info on the 1Sept about the location
Looks like fun. When and where? And for how long?
I’m in bruuuu!
Dalton Lester Stephanie Hunter Anna Simeonova Connor Mcleod Nina Carew how epic!?!U0001f601
SAASA_RSA definitely adding that tweet to my RebelMouse http://rbl.ms/1NIOfJH