This morning, expect a lot of sore heads, post-party hyperactivity and reports about what could be going down in history as one of Cape Town’s finest party productions ever. The Cape Town Electronic Music Festival took place over the weekend and attracted thousands of party-goers over the course of three days – the memories of which will forever be etched into the walls of the historic City Hall. Look out for our feature on the event coming this week.

Hats off to the Metro Police who recently uncovered a large haul of poached abalone and counterfeit cigarettes in Lansdowne. Counterfeit cigarettes? Double the health risks! Whether this was for some sort of bizarre perlemoen and cheap ciggie pairing evening or something perhaps more sinister, the cops did well to pick up on this and three people were arrested. Speaking of illegally poached abalone, prevention is always better than cure so I’m guessing the best way to combat this would involve a marketing campaign to turn people and their palettes against the sea creature. But this is for another blog post.

Valentine’s Day is steadily approaching and you can be sure of seeing an abnormal amount of hearts and ‘love’ being declared on Facebook during the week. Do not give in to that. Instead, enter our Valentine’s Day competitions here and here.

Lastly, enjoy these diving fails at the Sea Point Public Swimming Pool taken by videographer Cape Town Guy. The last jump is absolute gold. Have a good Monday!

Photography @theperrybook


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