Western Cape Premier Helen Zille said that Cape town residents are still using too much water. In a tweet Zille pleaded with residents to reduce their consumption urgently.

“Come on Cape Town. We can do this. Yesterday our water use was above 600 million liters again after dropping nicely on Monday. Some us are still using way too much water. Let’s pull together as if our lives depend on it. Because they do,” she said.

However, in a tweet on Tuesday Zille applauded residents for cutting their water consumption.

Zille said  her office is still waiting for a response from the Presidency as to whether it will declare Cape Town’s water crisis a national disaster. Various plans have been put in place to delay Day Zero, the City will also be rolling out pressure managment operations across the City.
They also plan to install thousands of water managment devices on properties of high consumption users. The City also said that over 200 collection water points have been assesed where residents will recieve 25 liters per person. Day Zero has been brought forward by nine days, it has now been moved to 12 April 2018.

Picture: K-Leigh Siebritz / HSM images


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