Residents are being warned to be cautious when walking or exercising alone and to stay mindful of their safety as the number of opportunistic crimes is on the rise.

Non-profit organisation, Parkscape is dedicated to ensuring the safety of nature-lovers and the respect of natural environments. The organisation put out a warning on their Facebook page urging locals to be careful when out and about, following a number of criminal activities that seem to be opportunistic.

“With incidents of opportunistic crime increasing, please be mindful of your safety, walk within the permitted exercise hours of 6am and 6pm and, if possible, avoid exercising while it’s still dark. Try not to walk alone, but exercise in a group ensuring social distancing,” Parkscape said in a post.

As avid hikers, nature-lovers and the fitness conscious are able to take to nature reserves again, but are being urged to do so outside of groups, more and more incidents are being reported.

A number of locals have been attacked in recent weeks with a cyclist being attacked yesterday, June 16, on Orpen Road and another resident saved from an attack today [June 17] by their dog.

According to reports by News24, another residents was robbed while walking in Silvermine Park on Tuesday, June 9.

The 50-year-old woman had her belongings stolen when a man approached her asking for food and money. He proceeded to wrestle her for her backpack while strangling her and managing to make off with her backpack containing her car keys, camera and phone.

The woman sustained minimal injuries but the man is yet to be arrested.

Residents are being urged to be aware of the dangers of walking, exercising or traveling alone and to do so with the utmost care.

Picture: Unsplash
