Independent activist organisation CapeXit has been making the rounds on social media lately. This may have something to do with their mission: to have the Cape region of South Africa declared as an independent country. 

According to the organisation, they need the support of 1.6 million people in order to request a referendum with the South African government. And it looks like they may soon achieve that goal as 800 000 registrations have already been registered on the website – half the number it needs. 

However, a disinformation researcher may have just thrown a spanner in the works as he has brought into question the validity of the claim after completing his registration with a false name and ID number, as per Times Live.  

“I just registered using a made-up name, a made-up e-mail address, a made-up phone number and a made-up ID number. This is a grift,” said Jean le Roux on Twitter.

When presented with these claims, the independent organisation stated that these problems were merely a result of migrating their IT services to a new company in April, causing a few “teething problems.”

However, the problem does appear to be resolved, as only verified ID numbers are currently being accepted, as reported by Times Live. 

Also Read: CapeXit: Brexit but for Cape Town

CapeXit: Brexit but for Cape Town
