The inspiring story of the two young girls who sought help from the Animal Welfare Society for their sick puppy in exchange for a packet of Nik Naks has taken a turn for the worst after their puppy went missing over the weekend, leaving the girls terribly heartbroken.

They spent so many hours searching the area but have had no luck in finding their puppy and unfortunately, have spent the past few nights crying themselves to sleep.

The Animal Welfare Society of SA became aware of the missing puppy when they did a follow-up visit earlier this week, where they were told that the family strongly suspects that the puppy had been stolen.

With the help of a small army of willing volunteers, the Animal Welfare launched an intensive door-to-door search of the area yesterday. Although there was no sign of the missing puppy, the Animal Welfare did find her sibling (Fluffy) who was busy cowering in a patch of overgrown weeds.

“Whilst we were busy we noticed a group of delinquents walking down the road with a pack of Pitbulls. They appeared overly interested in what we were doing and as soon as they were quizzed regarding their reasons and intentions for being in this otherwise quiet part of the Philippi Horticultural Area beat a hasty retreat back to Hanover Park with their dogs straining on their chains to break free and attack the little puppy being held by one of the girl’s cousins”, says the Animal Welfare Society of SA.

Before the Animal Welfare Society of SA left the area, they spoke to a few community champions and asked them to please be on the lookout for the puppy who, with the goodwill and help of the local community, we hope to find soon.

This is a developing story and we will be sure to keep you as the readers up to date.

Picture/s: Supplied


Two young girls sacrifice their last packet of chips to help puppy
