Springbok hooker Mahlatse “Chiliboy” Ralepelle received an eight-year ban from professional rugby on Wednesday, July 1. This comes after he tested positive for the prohibited anabolic agent Zeranol during a test on January 17, 2019.

“The athlete challenged the doping charge and was afforded the opportunity to seek legal counsel to present his case and version of events to the tribunal panel.  The hearings were adjourned multiple times and were held over a period of six months.  The panel reached a decision first on the merits of the case where they found the player guilty of a doping offense,” said the South African Institute for Drug-free Sport in a statement. 

The ban will expire on January 27, 2027 and Ralepelle has 21 days to file an appeal against the sanction.

This is the third time the 33-year-old has tested positive for banned substances during his rugby career. Ralepelle’s first case concluded with a “no fault” decision and he only received a reprimand. He then served a two-year ban from 2014 to 2016 in a second instance after he tested positive for anabolic steroid drostanolone in a test during his time with French club Toulouse, according to The 42.

Picture: Twitter/PlanetRugby
