The City of Cape Town has approved new by-laws that allow for the installation of smaller, free-standing cell masts on properties that will be used for the community needs including transport and agricultural.

According to BusinessTech, this will include buildings such as clinics, schools, churches and hospitals.

These buildings will be allowed to install small towers, which are to be less than 12 metres in height, as well as minor rooftop masts. These must be less than 1.5 metres in height, and do not need to be approved for land use by the City.

However, building plans still need to be approved.

Residential use buildings may also be have a minor cell mast, but this must be 1.5-metres tall or less. However, this also requires planning permission.

“One of the main purposes of these provisions is to ensure the infrastructure is less unsightly and to minimise the impact on the local character of an area where the infrastructure is installed,” said the City’s Marian Nieuwoudt. “I want to add that the city is not mandated to regulate health-related matters where telecommunication is concerned. However, all network providers must comply with the requirements of the National Department of Health and the ICNIRP standards on nonionising radiation protection with respect to safety standards.”

Picture: Pixabay
