There has long been a negative impression surrounding politicians, councillors and government employees lugging around vast amounts of paper while we have well and truly entered into the digital age.

The City of Cape Town has announced that it will finally be making the switch-over to a paperless system, a welcome move which will surprisingly save the city up to R4 million each year. Council speaker Dirk Smit, an internal source who has been spearheading the movement, revealed that the typical council agenda can range between 1000 to 3000 pages – with print runs costing upward of R400 000. The transition to digital will see the deployment of laptops and we can presume cloud storage to be utilized on a greater scale. A trial run to implement the new change will begin this October.

“It’s going to be very good financial saving for ratepayers”, says Smit.

Nearly seven years ago the City phased out bottled water – considered to be a luxury item – and replaced this with tap water. Back then it was reported that it was costing the City R125 000 to purchase 20 888 bottles of water.


Photography Unsplash


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