Following a fruitful rainy season and several weeks of upward trends, Cape Town dam levels have taken a dip of 0.3% between September 2-8. This brings overall dam levels to 81.6%.

Many Capetonians have called for the current water tariffs to be lowered, as they are still high in accordance to when the city was on the brink of Day Zero, just over a year ago.

“We acknowledge residents’ calls to lower water tariffs. This will be reassessed at a meeting of all users of the Western Cape Water Supply System around November this year. But fuller dams do not necessarily mean we are out of the woods yet. This winter we have again received lower than average rainfall (so far), and as such the City plans to maintain current level 1 water restrictions and tariffs for the moment,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Water and Waste, Xanthea Limberg.

The current water tariffs (Source: City of Cape Town)
(Source: City of Cape Town)

Although consumption has increased, locals remain within the daily allocation of 650-million litres per day.

“The City again thanks all residents who continue to think water during this necessary recovery period for Cape Town,” Limberg added.

Please visit for all water-related information and Frequently Asked Questions.

Picture: Pixabay
