With all the roadworks going on all over the city, driving has become quite frustrating, It has become so bad, that a drive which normally takes you 10 minutes now takes you half an hour in peak traffic. But no matter how frustrating the traffic gets, there is one thing we can all be thankful for – there are no e-tolls in the Cape! Hopefully, there never will be, and the City of Cape Town is fighting very hard towards this goal.

Yesterday, the City of Cape Town defended the Western Cape High Court judgement that prevented the South African National Roads Agency Limited (SANRAL) from tolling sections of the N1 and N2 freeways in Cape Town. The City stuck to their argument that making the N1 and N2 toll roads was improper and unlawful. They have asked the court to dismiss SANRAL’s appeal. Judgement regarding this matter is reserved, but we are hoping it will go in our favour.


According to a statement released by the City, adding e-tolls to the freeways will cost Western Cape road users approximately R62 billion. Considering the N1 and N2 are the only freeways into the city, those toll costs will really add up. Even the little things, like going out to spend a day in Stellenbosch, Paarl and vice versa will become a major decision if paying e-tolls for the journey play a part. In all honestly, we have enough expenses in our lives, we really don’t need another one.

While they are willing and eager to work with SANRAL to find a solution for infrastructural upgrades on the N1 and N2, the City has said they remain opposed to tolling as a a funding mechanism for the upgrading of existing roads, and will take this fight to the country’s highest court if need be.

Photography courtesy

  • Danny Greeff
    Danny Greeff
    August 17, 2016 at 1:51 pm

    Then do something about the traffic on those roads. It is ridiculous!! Maybe toll is the way to go??

  • Amanda Fraser
    Amanda Fraser
    August 17, 2016 at 3:00 pm

    Are you insane? That the tolls are nothing more than mandated theft.

  • Alexander Blows
    Alexander Blows
    August 18, 2016 at 8:21 pm

    What happened TO road tax ?

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