Allegations that the private security team was operating under the approval of the City to remove beachgoers from Clifton Fourth Beach on December 23 2018 are reportedly false.

An official statement by the City’s Executive Director of Safety and Security, Richard Bosman clarifies the alleged reports.

“We note the statement issued by the company in question, PPA, indicating that they were operating on the authority of the City of Cape Town. The statement is inaccurate,” said Bosman

Beachgoers were apparently instructed to leave the area on Sunday, with access being denied to the public after 8pm by private security officials.

Bosman explains PPA has been given no authority and that there is no existing contract with the security company.

“The City has at no stage given any authority to PPA to enforce by-laws. I met with relevant area staff this morning to confirm this,” he said.

Private security companies have no existing mandate to enforce municipal by-laws.

All beaches are open to members of the public and will only be closed if there is a specific threat to public safety.

Bosman encourages members of the public to report any incidents of intimidation experienced from PPA staff to the local police services.

“Any person who feels that they have been threatened or intimated by PPA staff on the day in question, or at any other time, can lay a charge with the South African Police Service. Alternatively, complaints about the conduct of the company can be directed to the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority,” Bosman said.

The festive season has seen a large number of locals and tourists visit the nearest beaches in the Western Cape and the City is committed to providing each area with the necessary resources required.

“The City continues to roll out its comprehensive festive season operational plan that guides the deployment of law enforcement staff, lifeguards and staff from various other departments within the City to ensure that our beaches are enjoyed safely by all, within the framework of the law,” Bosman said.

Picture: Instagram / Clifton 4th Beach/Argus_sees


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