Delheim Wine Estate confirmed it would be closing its doors to the public for two weeks as a result of exposure to the coronavirus.

The Estate announced that a member of a Dutch tour group who recently visited the estate has tested positive for the Covid-19 virus. The Estate was informed of this today [March 15].  Five of the Estate’s staff were in contact with the patient in question and Delheim has decided to close as a precautionary measure.

“As five members of our team have been in contact with this group, we have decided to implement self-isolation for these individuals. To take further precautions and to limit any potential exposure to infection – for both guests and staff – we can confirm that our hospitality sector of the business will be closing for 2 weeks whereafter we will reassess the situation,” they said in a statement on Facebook.

“Delheim Estate has made it a top priority to be pro-active and has taken all the necessary precautionary health and safety measures in the past week – not only to safeguard our valued visitors but also our fantastic team,” they said.

The Estate has put various safety and sanitation measures in place, and have attempted to prevent the spread of the virus.

“Together we have the opportunity to react timeously and with integrity to minimize the infection rate in our country,” said Delheim in their statement.

If you display any signs of infection, call the public hotline for the coronavirus. South African’s should use this number: 0800-029-999.

The government has also made a Whatsapp support line available for citizens looking for more information about the virus.

Also read: Coronavirus cases in the Cape increases by 5 today, now 51 in SA

Picture: Facebook / Delheim Wines
