Many feel an extension of the 21-day nationwide lockdown is inevitable. With cases still on the rise and some residents not taking regulations seriously, we may be in for more days at home.

In the majority of cases around the world, extensions have lead to a total of three months spent indoors.

South African may follow this international trend in weeks to come, but many feel the regulations require revision for the nation to survive.

DearSA is collaborating with a number of civil organisations to help draft new regulations to present to government for consideration. The aim of this exercise is to achieve a compromise between civil society and government that encourages communities to cooperate while better allowing for continued economic activity and preventing civil unrest.

Roughly 11 677 participants have had their say on whether they think the regulations are too restrict or not restrictive enough.

DearSA is calling for all South Africans to contribute and help shape the future regulations of the nation.

Mass participation is essential to accurately and fairly draft new lockdown regulations.

Residents can comment on whether dogs should be allowed to be walked, the sale of cigarettes and alcohol and more.

Have your say here.

Picture: Pexels
