The nation is feeling the tension as the 12pm lockdown for 21-days looms. Prayers are being said, families are saying their farewells and last minute plans are being put in place to conquer the spread of COVID-19.

President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed the SANDF with confidence and purpose. He assured citizens that the soldiers will be there to keep them safe, and thanked them for their dedication to keeping the nation safe.

In his address on Thursday night, just hours before lockdown, Ramaphosa told soldiers the country is expecting them to go out there and give this mission their very best.

“There will be moments of discomfort, that is to be expected in the life of a soldier, but we have placed our full confidence in you.”

Time will tell how this will play out in South Africa. The aim for all citizens at this point is to take heed all the warnings and stay indoors for the next 21-days to flatten the curve. To date there are 927 cases of confirmed coronavirus cases in our country.

We hear you South Africa, and we are with you in this trying time. Nkosi Sikelel’iAfrika!
